Are You Feeling Burnout at Work?
Some days at work are less enjoyable than others but that doesn't mean that you’re burnt out, right? Or does it? How do you know when you’ve hit a wall that one night of rest won’t resolve? There are some symptoms to look for if you’re concerned that you might be experiencing feelings of burnout at the office. Continue reading to learn what to watch for, and see if becoming a digital nomad is right for you.
At Juan Paulo, we want to give you the tools and training to live life on your terms. If the daily grind has indeed become a grind, then becoming an online entrepreneur could offer the flexibility and freedom you’re looking for. We support a global community of people from all walks of life who have found joy in remote work. Ready to learn more? Contact us today to discover the training and resources we offer.
What Is Burnout?
Burnout is when a person experiences the extinction of motivation or incentive, especially when their efforts fail to produce the results they want. It’s a reaction to prolonged stress at a job, and is identified by exhaustion, cynicism, and feelings of reduced professional ability. The less you’re able to identify with what you do at your job, the more likely you are experiencing burnout. If you feel exhausted, start to hate your job, and feel less capable, then it’s good to seek help, as these are the beginning signs of burnout.
Possible Causes of Job Burnout
The fact is, job burnout can result from a number of different factors, which can make it harder to identify, but there are some common causes that you should be on the lookout for, including:
- Lack of control — a lack of resources or the inability to influence decisions that impact your job
- Unclear job expectations — the degree of authority you have over your responsibilities vs. the degree of authority your supervisors expect from you
- Dysfunctional workplace dynamics — office bully, colleagues who undermine you, bosses who micromanage you
- Extremes in activity — job monotony or chaos are both unhealthy extremes
- Lack of social support — feelings of isolation at work or in your personal life
- Work-life imbalance — work takes up more time than you have to spend with family and friends
Symptoms of Job Burnout
Now that we’ve taken a look at some of the possible causes of job burnout, let’s dive into the symptoms you should look for. Since it’s generally harder to clearly identify a situation that you are too close to, let’s identify some questions you can ask yourself.
- Have you become overly cynical or critical at work?
- Do you have to drag yourself to work?
- Do you have trouble getting started once you’re at work?
- Are you irritable with coworkers, customers, or clients?
- Is it a struggle to find the energy to be consistently productive?
- Do you struggle with concentration when working?
- Do your achievements give you satisfaction?
- Are you struggling with feelings of disillusionment about your job?
- Are you using any substances — food, alcohol, drugs — to help yourself feel better?
- Are you experiencing drastic changes in your sleep patterns?
- Have you observed physical problems — headaches, stomach aches, bowel issues — that don’t seem to have a known cause?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you could be experiencing job burnout, and should reach out to your doctor for their professional advice or get a recommendation to a mental health therapist.
Consequences of Job Burnout
It’s important not to ignore the possible consequences associated with job burnout. While there are some situations in life where it’s good to push on through, this is not one of those. Continuing to push yourself if you are experiencing job burnout could lead to:
- Excessive levels of stress
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Sadness
- Anger irritability
- Alcohol or substance abuse
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Type 2 diabetes
- Weakened immune system leaving you vulnerable to illness
How to Handle Job Burnout
One of the first things you should do is to evaluate your available options. Sit down with your boss to see what changes can be made in your work schedule or load. It’s possible that this will result in some great compromises that begin to have immediate, positive effects on your mental and physical health. Evaluate your current level of physical activity to see if you need to be more active, determine whether you’re getting enough sleep, and look for support from family and friends. Ultimately, the best solution may be for you to change your job or your career.
Digital Nomad
If you’ve decided that it’s time for a big change in your life, then the team at Juan Paulo is excited to help! We provide the training and resources you need to become a digital nomad and live life on your terms. Interested in working from a cabin in the woods? Maybe working on a tropical beach is more your speed. No matter where you want to go, you can do it when you work as an online entrepreneur. Contact us today to learn more, and see how much more enjoyable your life can truly be!